Introduction Thesis statement:Three of the more successful styles are reggae, punk, and rap.
BodyA.One successful style of popular music is reggae.
1.born on the Carribbean island of Jamaica in the 1960s
a.spread throughout the world in the 1970s.
2.Developed from mento.
a.mento was sung and played on guitars and drums.
b.Some musicians changed mento into a music style called ska by adding a hesitation beat.
3.special sound comes from reversing roles of instrument.
a.Guitar plays rhythm and bass plays melody.
4.An important influence on reggae music was the Rastafarian cult.
a.unsual sound mixes
b.extra-slow tempo
c.strange lyrics
d.mystical-political themes
5.Bob Marley-best known reggae musician
a.Well-known groups are the Toots& The Maytals, Buring Spear, and Steel Pulse
6.Reggae has influenced later styles of popular music, including punk and rap.
B.A second successful style of popular music is punk.
1.Punk is a style of rock music that began in the mid-1970s
a.felt that rock music no longer represented the counterculture.
2.With clothing and hairstyles, punks intended to shock society.
a.hairdos, makeup, clothing, piercings, and jewelry.
3.The onstage behavior of punks was aggressive and provocative.
a.fighting and other violent behavior by fans
4.Punk music is simple
a.songs are short
c.anti-authority and anti-conformity
5.First bands to popularize punk were the Sex Pistols and Clash in Great Britain and
the Ramonesin the United States
6.Punk has evolved into other styles.
a.Groups such as the Dead Kennedys and the Black Flag play hardcore punk
b.Fall Out Boy plays emo
c.pop punk-Green Day
C.A third successful style of popular music is rap.
1.Also known as hip-pop
2.Form of dance music-singers speak in rhythm and thyme
3.Originated in Africa
a.Traveled to the U.S. via Jamaica-"toasting"
b.rap first appeared in the mid-1970s in the discos of New York City's black neighborhoods in
the United States.
c.Disco DJs+rappers played songs for dancers at parties
d.rapper keep the beat going with hand claps while the DJ changed records
e.rappers added lyrics,slogans, rhymes, and call-and-response
4.Early rap songs were mainly about dancing, partying, and romantic advantures.
a.politics-theme in 1980s and 1990s
5.Most rappers are young black males
a.Female rappers-Queen Latifah
b.white rappers-Beastie Boys and Eminem
popular music changes constantly.New styles are born, grow, change, and produce offshoots,which in turn grow, change, and produce offshoots. Some styles enjoy lasting popularity, but others disappear rather quickly. However, all contribute to the power and excitement of popular music in our time.